walking with poetry
music fills my head
- and it starts to rain
walking alone -
the suburban winter,
every house is haunted
standing in the rain
in the courtyard he smokes
in slow motion
my horoscope was wrong today
the lonesome tradesman
works in the rain
the city lights blur
out of no-where -
the storm
so lonesome
- my best friend
has a girlfriend now
we all lie
to maintain the charade
of everyday life
car to restaurant
- his newspaper
an umbrella
making eye contact
with strangers -
we remember the few
a smile, we say hello
- and goodbye
when we die
good food and wine,
i dine with my friends
salt and pepper
sunset clouds
hover over the city
like sleep and dreams
the piano man plays,
the drunk man drinks
- they both need to piss
at the jazz bar
his mind fizzles
like a thursday
dim light-bulb
you light up melbourne
and her artists
the stolen pen
comes in handy
for this haiku
young men drinking,
at that table there
- here i am
tonight's sunset
is mine - tomorrow
it's all yours
standing on the corner
drinking a beer
- leave him be
this miserable night
- another sad song
i'll never forget
drifting through life
he dodges all -
love and hate
at the jazz bar
his mind fizzles
like a match-book
at the jazz bar
he drinks and thinks
like molten lava
at the jazz bar
no one knows -
contemplating suicide
lightening flash!
- high above
the daily commute
dull light bulb
- no need to write,
you are art!
dull light bulb
- you make every night
sunday night
dull light bulb
- it's just you
and me
drinking alone
- nobody
fucks with him
will you marry me?
his t-shirt reads;
just do it
home alone
- drinking
how will i be remembered?
she smiles
- a green light
on a bad day, home
salt and pepper,
the menu and i
shall dine tonight!
so lonesome
and beautiful -
i don't say a thing
lonesome bush trail,
he dies alone at dusk
- we all die alone
two strangers
sit and drink
in silence
so beautiful -
she waves hello
and goodbye
his gun points
at my head -
what have i done?
contemplating suicide
- my life is pretty good
right now
he walks home
-surely somewhere
the harmonica plays
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