my country, australia
- a dry place
on earth
thoughts of a friend
so far from home -
home alone
so happy here
drunk alone
- as she sleeps
the fog moves inside
we laugh as we cook
- dinner will be late
my attention drfits
- the dawn fog outside
his highrise apartment
where are my friends?
alone drunk on wine - but
they probably see arse
how can i explain,
we are natural? -
the sun also rises
the big bang
fifty meter television
then death
happy, sad and lonely
- cold beer in melbourne,
crowded with stagger lee
waiting for a taxi home
- she uses her sex
to try and get home
insecurities, painting
hides my need to
- alone with a bottle
drunk men in cars -
she gives reasons
to come home with me
a city is a drunk
- he sleeps at dusk
and i drink at dawn
my friend drinks alone
- may he be alone here
and joyous as i!
burping on the couch,
his team wins -
he's such a nice guy though?
dreaming of death
waking up with dread
- i can't sleep just now
merry on the couch
wanting to sleep -
we sway like drunks
death is not the end
- so what am i doing
alone at one forty eight?
the tree of life grew
- he pisses - bacon
and eggs for the couple
my life -
patti smith.
our life.
a frightening nght!
- thank god our memories
are black and white
how i wish to see
the big bang!
- how much is this milk?
how many diseases
till i find the strength
to hug my brother?
im not afraid!
- to be alone here
and an artist!
the television
- i've been there
but i'm here
- you're not alone -
just you and me!
a reason to cry
- you guide
my silly life
tomorrow, a sunrise
at least now -
something to do!
when they're asleep
- they're never alone
in the lounge room
pigeons wake us up
- homeless feed them,
but we all die.
tomorrow - me and earth
so depressed -
who will win?
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