Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Art Intimidating Life - The Ruins of my Mental Empire: Part Seventy-Four

so many clocks!
i look to the sky
for some relief

reading over my shoulder
the school girl
learns the hard way

i retire to the bar,
only to be served with more questions!

a long walk home
made longer -
he stops and watches the trees move in the wind

the everyday-man
lives in the moment -
the rest of us wonder how

the cleaner enjoys a drink

at the end of every shift -
i nod, and walk on

two lonesome drinker remain silent

- when it's time leave
they nod a friendly farewell

live like a god,

but never live
by example

live like a god

but never take
your own advice

live like the devil

and always set
your alarm clock

live like the devil

all things in moderation
- all at once

live like a god

go to sleep - and hug someone
when you get there

live like a god

ignore the people
you see in faults

live like a god

wake up -
and stay put

live like a god

look at the stars
for three hours alone

live like the devil

read half a book
watch half a movie

live like the devil

listen to the dreams
of your enemies

live like the devil

drink luke-warm milk
from the carton

live like the devil

rip up mail
before reading it

live like a god

live with others,
but always walk alone

live like a god

live alone
but always walk with your friends

live like the devil

sit in the sun for twelve minutes
at the train station

live like the devil

love yourself
at your best

live like a god

love yourself
at your worst

looking to the stars

making a wish -
wishing there was no reason to

on top of the mountain

a man stands
at the foot of the mountain
a man stands

i stand by the water

and listen to the creek
- does it ever end?!

i look to the stars

for three hours -
pure lonesome happiness

you are the most
important person
in your life

you are the most
important person
you'll never meet

everytime you think of someone else
someone else thinks of you
- and that's how the world unravels

i see the young man
i see the old man
- window shopping

supermarket check-out girl
- do you realise how much
i'm loving this small talk?

if life is a lie
then death is the truth
- but what is this?




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