people ask, where should i begin? - am i asking you where i should end? - where i should stop? - why has this been? - i've been around, charged and powered by those little moments in our favourite albums - it may be passionate scream - it may be a chord change, whatever that is - my brother mentioned throwing out all the plastic cases of his cds and just keeping the covers and the cd themselves - it's such a good idea, i thought - maybe i'll do it - things are getting a little out of hand, and to be honest im always a little happy when i see someone's new album is released on cd in a cardboard sleeve - it's like children i guess - i'd love to be a vinyl person, but it's too late - i've spoken about perhaps just buying some of my favourites on vinyl, for special occasions - for ceremonies and party lights - for expensive scotch whiskey, champagne and well-aged red wine - just me and my thoughts, at peace - im a calm and mellow person - i want to live a life pure, relaxed and holy - i want to be remembered by the right people - but that doesn't mean i want to be forgotten by the wrong people - the idea of being forgotten is a funny one - a weird one - i write about it all the time - i think about it daily - but doesn't it blow your mind to think that there will come a time when it'll be like our lives never actually happened? - did someone just compare steve jobs to shakespeare? - i've been watching a lot of space documentaries and i will never understand why space exploration isn't our first priority - of course, it's ours, but not theirs, which is a shame - the earth will die someday, that's a surity - and what's probably more of a sure bet is the that human race will end at some point - can you imagine, and you get your head around what it would be like to witness the last moments of the human race? - it has to happen at some point - what will it be like? who will it be? - where will it happen? - the frustrating thing is that the human mind simply isn't capable to understanding just how massive the universe is - i try - im training myself - im preparing - will you drift with me? - and the rain falls and i walk to the fridge in socks and get myself a beer - music plays and i take a trip - i wish i could play all of my favourite songs all at the same time, but they all have to wait - one at a time please - n.cave is probably lucky it's taken this long for people to turn on him - i heard a rumour he met the queen - that's fucking awesome - funny too - but how many party-shits are going to sit in front of their ipads and declare him as a sellout - and my soul pukes for using that word - i still vomit everytime i see a television commercial - most people i see are nothing but results - they're nothing but goals achieved and somebody's millions - millions and billions - next trillions - then marriage - did i ever tell you that probably three years ago i never thought i'd be married - not properly, anyway - but yeah, i found myself thinking about it more and more - and i was listening to the harold and maude soundtrack, drunk, alone on a saturday night slash sunday morning - i hope me saying that doesn't taint the music / soundtrack for you - it's such a great movie, and you were the one who told me about it and talked our teacher into showing it in our script writing class - it's in my top three movies of all time - i hate having to do that, but you've got to be equipted with this sort of stuff when you're out socialising and talking about movies and music - lonesome jim is my all time favourite movie - have i told you that? - have you seen it? - nobody has, but i saw it after seeing the trailer before watching for this winnipagen movie in vancouver - it was by the time i was in san fran. that i was able to see it - in a shitty cinema on haight street - i went alone, of course - still do - there were a few other people in the cinema - at least one other by themselves - that's the sort of shit you remember - and it's a perfect movie - perfect for me, anyway - the cheerful sadness, nice and close to home - i remember emailing my brother afterwards - he would've been one of the only people i knew who could've possibly known about it - and for some reason i've always somehow associated him with steve buscemi - it must've been when he hired fargo - it took me a while to actually see resovior dogs - and i think i bought it from a video store ex-rental bin for five dollars - it's not bad - but jesus! - do you know how or whom designed the ordering of the letters on a keyboard? - it's never occurred to me until this moment, and that's why i get high on the realisation - it'll be a good thing to know - something to talk about - something to have stored away - which brings me now to track four on the ( ) sigur ros album - apparently it's called the nothing song - fuck that, to me it'll always be track four on the brackets album - and the sun has no ridiculously come out punching through the rain clouds - im going to leave now - i have so much positive soul in me, i just find sadness funny - i know that nothing means anything, so sadness is a joke, but it's real and honest and natural - how can anyone not be sad? - how can anyone not feel happy, at this point right now - wherever you are - godbless you - and if he doesn't, i will
your friend in time and space, life and death, now and then
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