im standing as still as possible, trying my best not to sway - not to sway to the music, not to sway to the vibe im feeling, and not to sway to the booze i've consumed this afternoon - i've read the last chapter of four books in the place - wood, and carptet, and drinks and beers and friends - people spend their spare time in a place like this - i know i used to quite a bit - just sitting and thinking and drinking and writing - i'd have conversations with my friends in my head, but then when i see them, im confused and keeping saying - i might have told you this already - the band is playing good, and i was going to go home but now im staying - the singer reminds me of myself, which hasn't happened since i was a delusional teenager - funny long hair, strange leather jacket, and some spoken word read from a4 sheets of paper - they're songs about sex and being fucked up and drinking - i like those kind of songs and stories and people - i can apprecaite them - i find them funny - like when he took out his hipflask mid-song to have a swig - is that sad? - is that too much? - i don't know, i find it funny
im coming home, and i can see the sad little light left on for me outside - someone's fastfood wrapper has blown up the driveway - the wind gives me one more before i find my keys and jiggle the locks until i walk inside, find a place to dump my boots so they don't wake her up as i walk down the hall looking for a cd to play - and it takes me a long time to decide - until i slide back to the lounge room in my socks and drag a blanket behind me - i pull up and beanbag and lie on the floor, dark and warm with the xmas lights ive drapped over the windows - the music plays and i have a couple of the beers i have kept in the fridge - now i dream and later i'll sleep and then i'll wake up
we imagine the possibilities - i spend my time trying to touch upon the greatness i see in the artist - alice's mad-hatter doesn't come across as a great performance to me, he comes across as a great friend - the colour world left to it's own devices now that the money-man has gone - i see freedom in everything now that the money-man has gone - free walks, free time, free fruit, free talks - i see the artist chatting to the man about town for free in the town centre - no money-man here man - free message left under rocks and leaves and trees are the message board for all of us and our friends - we snoop around the forests - we hind behind the rocks and at the end of the day we talk and laugh and drink our wine - and i have a twin here! - he joins me sometimes, but sometimes he doesn't and he does his own things - he's a great guy - he plays tricks with the younglings and i once heard that one of them was his - he's better looking than i am, but i like the way i look - we both have long hair and glasses and our girlfriends are both very beautiful - i met the artist last year, and the other day the artist met me
my wallet, my keys, my coins, and demons - underage drinkers follow me around like apostles - the write down my words for me like matthew mark, luke and john - they ask me questions about life and death, love and sex, brotherhood and manhood, sisterhood and the woman - they harvest my love of music and the written and spoken word - the find me the sun as it rises and sets, and find me the shade to me cool from the the day's australian heat - i take them to the parking-lots - i show them the great albums of yesterday - i teach them of the church - i speak of kilbey - i explain the graveyards and i explain the gold courses - they ask me for money man, and the offer me money for cigarettes, and i decline - the streets are followed to our destinations and they're used for so many different reasons and destinations - it's not a religion, it's a lucid dream - it's not a dream it's an amazing life
im pompously jazz - i am the invitation - strangers thanking strangers - strangers hugging strangers as i carry on with my face to the suburban wind that i call my own - and the clouds, still the clouds - i see them every evening and it makes me feel so happy to be doing this, and that

so cool simon