some strange, strange dreams
knocking me out - unconscious
disrupting my insomnia
no greys between my sun and moon
so much detail behind so many strange, strange dreams
im stuck and twisted in blankets
in twisted dreams
i'm always late
i must be insane by now
with a sleepy moan
i return from the space-stars
back to earth
no proof to suggest
today isn't the first day in existence
and everything else, just implanted into our so called
maybe i've just been sent here for today
by my other world
by my home
to do something today
and im just borrowing this body for fifteen-hours
to come to work
do my thing
ignore everyone around me throughout the day
but in doing so
somehow set everything right
by writing this
back on track and moving towards their inevitable once again
god's work
and when i return to sleep tonight
i'll return to my home world
wherever or whatever
that may be
and tomorrow morning
simon lawlor will wake up again
without me inside him
and tomorrow, i'll wake up as someone else
somewhere else
and live their life for a day
live it naturally
and in doing so fix what they don't realise to be broken and wrong
im just a spirit who drifts from one person to the next
transported through dreams
to make this world right
to nudge and bump you all
back into your sad-little lives
thats what make's me god
i drift in and out of everyone
one person at a time
and orchestrate this infinite madness
through all the absurdity
trying to drive it all into some kind of meaning
i try not to waste your time
and in turn, in doing so
i give the whole shithouse a sense of meaning
so tonight, as i go to sleep as simon lawlor,
i will say goodbye to all his friends and loved ones
and he himself
i will thank lady-elle for another amazing dinner
as he does
i will go for a run and enjoy the pain he suffers
as he does
and go to sleep deeply
as he does
and dream myself into someone else tomorrow morning
and live their life
and do what comes naturally
simon's a good guy, really
i know he means well, at least
he just sometimes struggles with the life you all share with him
he sees a lot of truth in this world
and therefore the absurdity can frustrate
and break him apart
he's a good guy
and never wants to hurt any of you
that, im sure
anyway, im sure i'll see him again
but tomorrow morning i'll be guiding someone else
and simon lawlor will mean nothing to me
at the slight, slight chance i do encounter him again
i'm sure existence has some instinctive way of reminding
and connecting us
that we were both once touched by god simultaneously
an unknown
unquestionable connection between two people
mutually accepted
before moving on